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The effect of timing noise on targeted and narrow-band coherent searches for continuous gravitational waves from pulsars

机译:定时噪声对目标和窄带相干搜索的影响   来自脉冲星的连续引力波



Most searches for continuous gravitational-waves from pulsars use Taylorexpansions in the phase to model the spin-down of neutron stars. Studies ofpulsars demonstrate that their electromagnetic (EM) emissions suffer from\emph{timing noise}, small deviations in the phase from Taylor expansionmodels. How the mechanism producing EM emission is related to any continuousgravitational-wave (CW) emission is unknown; if they either interact or arelocked in phase then the CW will also experience timing noise. Any disparitybetween the signal and the search template used in matched filtering methodswill result in a loss of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), referred to as`mismatch'. In this work we assume the CW suffers a similar level of timingnoise to its EM counterpart. We inject and recover fake CW signals, whichinclude timing noise generated from observational data on the Crab pulsar.Measuring the mismatch over durations of order $\sim 10$ months, the effect isfor the most part found to be small. This suggests recent so-called`narrow-band' searches which placed upper limits on the signals from the Craband Vela pulsars will not be significantly affected. At a fixed observationtime, we find the mismatch depends upon the observation epoch. Considering theaveraged mismatch as a function of observation time, we find that it increasesas a power law with time, and so may become relevant in long baseline searches.
机译:大多数搜索来自脉冲星的连续引力波的阶段都使用泰勒展开来模拟中子星的旋转。对脉冲星的研究表明,它们的电磁(EM)发射受到\ emph {定时噪声}的影响,与泰勒展开模型的相位有很小的偏差。目前尚不清楚产生电磁辐射的机理与任何连续重力波(CW)辐射如何相关;如果它们交互或同相锁定,则CW也将遇到定时噪声。信号和匹配滤波方法中使用的搜索模板之间的任何差异都会导致信噪比(SNR)的损失,称为“不匹配”。在这项工作中,我们假设CW的时序噪声水平与其EM同行相似。我们注入并恢复了伪造的CW信号,其中包括从Crab脉冲星上的观测数据产生的定时噪声。在定额$ \ sim 10 $个月的持续时间内测量失配,在大多数情况下影响很小。这表明最近的所谓“窄带”搜索不会对Craband Vela脉冲星的信号设置上限。在固定的观察时间,我们发现失配取决于观察时期。考虑到平均失配与观察时间的关系,我们发现它随着时间的幂律而增加,因此在长基线搜索中可能变得相关。



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